pavillon_35 together with Biofaction will host the next DIYBio Europe meetup in Vienna around the Bio-fiction Science Art and Film Festival which will take place between the 23th and 25th of October 2014 in the Museum of Natural History in Vienna. The the DIYBio-EU conference will take place on the 26th and 27th of October 2014.
Bio-fiction will explore the emerging field of synthetic biology from different disciplinary angles including science and engineering, social science, cultural studies, amateur biology, film makers, artists and designers. We will have presentations, panel discussions, do-it-yourself biology demos, performances, art work and of course film screenings. It is going to be a lively and fun couple of days here! For more infos on the festival please see:
Start on Saturday 25.10.2014 at 11.00 in the cafeteria of the NHM (where the Bio-fiction festival takes place ) there will be an additional chance to discuss certain aspects of Biostrike with Nadine Bongaerts in the Hello Tomorrow Workshop.
In the afternoon, also at the Bio-fiction festival in the NHM, there will be the Homo reciprocans: bio-commons and intellectual property talks, where Rüdiger Trojok will give a presentation of the whitepaper and the results of the last Biocommons conference.
Sunday 26.10.2014
at AIL
10.00 Introduction Biostrike project ( )
Pieter van Boheemen
11.00 Report on progress Rüdiger Trojok
Report on kits already available
Report on the blockchain technologies
12.30 - 13.00 Pause
13.00 'Biohack the Economy' Raphael Kim presentation13.30 Discussion Biostrike
14.00 Workshop Biostrike
setting up a research program discussing technologies and structures
knowledge generation - what do we search and how - protocols for monitoring antibiotics
resistance spread and protocols to find new antimicrobials
knowledge handling - software solutions to collect, analyze
and organize scientific data, legal matters, organizational matters
17.00 'BioStrike: leveraging distributed research governance to create a long-term value
supply chain of pharmaceutical drugs' Eugenio Battaglia
18.00 'La paillasse' Thomas Landrain
19.00 Workshop licenses
formulate the structure of the different licenses and what they should do
Monday 27.10.2014
at AIL
11.00 María Boto Ordóñez
12.00 'The Subjugation of Nature' / 'The Point of Departure' Jayden Hastings presentation
13.00 'Beeotex' Andreas Stürmer presentation
14.00 'Kilobaser' Alexander Murer presentation
15.00 'bento.lab' Bethan Wolfenden presentation
16.00 'Biological design and experiences from a diybio workshop at a
sociology conference' Malthe Borch presentation
17.00 Georg Tremmel
18.00 - 18.30 Pause
18.30 Discussion webpage relaunch